On 11 December 2024, Herman Verbist participated as moderator in a webinar on “Expedited International Arbitration : Approaches and Global Perspectives (Part II)” which was organized by the North America Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
This was the second of a series of two webinars on this topic. The first webinar was organised on 13 November 2024 with Dr. Alan Anderson (PhD, FCIArb, Alan Anderson Law Firm LLC, Minneapolis, MN, USA) as moderator.
The speakers of both webinars were all contributors to the book “Expedited International Arbitration : Policies, Rules and Procedures” of which Dr. Alan Anderson and Dr. Herman Verbist are co-editors and which was published in 2024 by Wolters Kluwer.
The speakers at the webinar of 11 December 2024 moderated by Dr. Herman Verbist were :
- Dr. Ylli Dautaj (PhD, Lecturer, Brunei University London; Visiting Associate Professor, Penn State Law; Partner, DER Juridik Stockholm) with a presentation on “Expedited International Arbitration : (Re)discovering Traditional Advantages of the Arbitral Process”
- Mr. Jonas Hinrichsen (Attorney, Senior Associate, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam) with a presentation on “Expedited Arbitration in Action: Is the Practice Making Perfect?”
- Mr. Josh Simmons, FCIArb (FCIArb, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP, Washington DC; Adjunct Professor, University of Virginia School of Law) with a presentation on “Stopping the Arms Race: Page Limits in International Arbitration”
The recording of this webinar can be viewed on the link:
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