Herman Verbist, Mathieu Baert and Maureen Martins co-authored Sports Arbitration book

Nov 03, 2021

The book offers an overview of the Belgian sports arbitration case law up until 2018

The book offers an overview of the sports arbitration case law of the Belgian Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cour Belge d'Arbitrage pour le Sport in French or Belgisch Arbitragehof voor de Sport in Dutch) and of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Tribunal Arbitral du Sport in French).

It is the first to contain summaries of published arbitral awards rendered:

(i) in arbitrations before the Belgian Court of Arbitration for Sport between 2012 and 2018; and

(ii) in arbitrations before the Court of Arbitration for Sport between 1992 and 2018 involving Belgian parties.

The book also contains statistics on the BCAS's case law and summary tables of the abovementioned arbitrations. Keywords indexes also make it easier to find decisions rendered in a specific sport or on a specific theme (licence, violence, doping etc.).

In the introduction, the book further explains the definition of a sport pursuant to the ECJ 's case law and other important decisions rendered in the field of sports.

The book is freely available online here.

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